JE Technology Solutions custom-designs work stands and platforms uniquely suited for land transport maintenance, keeping your fleet on the move.

Work Stand Features

  • Reinforced structures to support heavy loads
  • Outriggers to ensure stability
  • Ergonomic features that enhance comfort and protection
  • Adjustable to varying vehicle types and heights
  • Integrate diagnostic equipment
  • Manual or hydraulic adjustment options

Gain Peace of Mind With Our Certifications and Standards

Our commitment to the highest quality work platforms and metal fabrication services is evidenced by the standards we comply with and the certifications we hold. They ensure our team applies proven, repeatable processes that ensure efficiency and exceptional product performance. 

Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Maintain large equipment safely and efficiently with JE Technology’s range of platforms, work stands, and ladders. Whether you need a ready-made solution or a fully customized design, we deliver products that enhance workflow, safety, and performance

Request a quote for a top-quality maintenance stand or platform.